Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Going on down The Rio Verde...

I have had the chance to work with some amazing musicians over the years.
These musicians have been and remain my closest friends. They are ALL over the place...From Vancouver Canada to Warsaw Poland, Cornwall UK to Sao Paulo Brazil.- These are the guys and gals who make me look and sound good.
I always hope to be as good as these musicians I get to work with. They inspire and challenge me.

Here in Sao Paulo, I get to work with some of these guys and perform the newest  release FIGHT OR FLIGHT on a stage fit for a KING!

Holy SHIT I am nervous.

Camille Miller and Her Guilty Bird Band:

Camille Miller- Guitar/Vox
Caetano Malta-Guitar
Klaus Sena-Bass
Bruno Buarque-Drums/bgs/electronics
Ed Lima- Trombone
Andre Lima- Keys


Ouça o novo disco aqui:

Imagem inline 1

Nascida na Alemanha e criada em bases militares no Canadá, a cantora Camille Miller conta com influências que vão desde a era Motown, passando por Aretha Franklin, indo até os Rolling Stones. A mistura de sua dinâmica vocal ligadas ao seu carisma no palco rapidamente conquistou pesos pesados ​​da indústria além de platéias ao redor do mundo. Três grandes selos da cena indie (Sound Of Pop Inc., Sugar Shack e Synergy Records) lançaram seus seis primeiros álbums.
Em novembro de 2016, deu-se o lançamento de seu sétimo disco da carreira, "Fight or Flight". Chamado de "Braz-Pop" pela crítica internacional, este álbum traz influências de Britpop fundidas a guitarra, metais e percussão de músicos brasileiros - sendo produzido e tocado pelo guitarrista Caetano Malta (que também se apresentou com artistas como Lucas Santana, Momo e Karina Buhr) e pelo baterista Bruno Buarque, que além de tocar no disco, fez a mixagem em seu estúdio - o estúdio do Minduca (que já recebeu artistas como Karina Buhr, Anelis Assumpção e Barbatuques). Diante de tantas influências rítmicas e culturais, este álbum traz um significado todo especial para a cantora, que faz sua primeira apresentação no Centro Cultural Rio Verde.
 “Gravar com músicos brasileiros foi uma experiência única para mim. Uma amizade muito duradoura cresceu entre todos nós. Fato que não importa onde eu vá parar no mundo, estas pessoas sempre estarão perto do meu coração!”, diz Miller.
Camille Miller no Centro Cultural Rio Verde
Quando: quinta-feira, 11/05
 R. Belmiro Braga, 119 - Vila Madalena, São Paulo – SP
Que horas? 21h
Quanto? Primeiro Lote Promocional R$20,00
Banda de abertura: Cáspite
Classificação: livre
Página do evento no Facebook:
Banner do evento:

Monday, March 27, 2017

Tank to Tapestry

'The Tank' was my high school nickname.
This nickname for me was born out of observing me walk down the street...I think it came from one of my longest and dearest friends...But as you can imagine, it summons up an image.

I remember sitting in a restaurant in Victoria, BC, Canada...I was in my mid 20's, was either just about to play a show at Harpo's or had just finished...I can't remember the details...Our waiter that evening was a guy I had gone to Highschool with. After serving us, having many laughs, he embarrassingly replayed a story that was one of the more humiliating experiences in his young life. It was the sound of me running up behind him on the Soccer pitch, tackling him, mowing him down to score a TRY- I was one of the three girls in our grade 10 year who didn't quite fit into the Gymnastics segment of P.E., and so was sent out to play rugby with the boys.- Apparently, I was quite good.

After this, I had a short stint in The Canadian Naval Reserves. This following 10 years a Sea Cadet. I obtained rank of CPO1- and did not have to do basic training once enrolled in reserves...Good in some ways, but REALLY bad in helping me bond or fit in with my division...

Enrolled in University to take a 'Plumbers degree'- but failed in the math requirements...So that was out for me

I was THE 'Cooler-Cleaning-Girl' for Canadian Springs Water company in the late 90's, driving around in my own van, delivering some of those massive bottles of water. and basically maintaining companies water coolers...I had an AMAZING pair of Blue Overalls, my own tool kit and Gumboots....Still to this day THE MOST MONEY I have ever made...- When I wasn't pulled over napping, I was pretty awesome at it...

Melina Harris- Designer
Me- Trying to look Natural...
Despite some of these great 'almost' career choices, I chose musician.

I am thrilled to have experienced a very IRONIC gig as of late...Here in Sao Paulo, I was invited to perform songs from our new album 'Fight or Flight ' during a fashion show for Mares & Guia.
This showcase was introducing the new fashion line HAMEL- By Melina Harris

This was not anything that I thought I would ever be a part of, but am grateful for the small look into 'The Fashion World'-  Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhling- They all looked MARvelous!

So, from TANK to TAPESTRY...One never knows whats around the corner!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How Hard can it be? Right!

I'm a couple of weeks away from heading on a little tiny baby tour throughout parts of the Uk.Three parts mainly, but that is besides the point.
I have bought train tickets.I have rented a London Hotel/B+B-very cheap,close to Paddington Station and FAIRLY well rated by some people on TripAdvisor. My idea of a fairly good rating is 1) nothing was stolen 2) clean toilets 3) one's OWN toilet 4) safety....Safety First!
There were lots of complaints, but nothing I really care about. I mean if you are by yourself, who CARES if you can hear people talking in the next room. Maybe they will have a good conversation, and be open to you joining in through the 'paper-thin walls'-What if you get stuck in your room, and can't get out. Being able to YELL for safety to your neighbours could be a good thing.This place also includes breakfast,which as described by one recent guest was "As decent as one could hope for, considering the price paid."

I will be travelling without my kids, so I am thinking-HOW HARD CAN IT BE? Right? Well, I already miss them. I've been hugging to long as of late, kissing my embarrassed son in public, HARDLY even yelling at them in the morning...All because I know I am about to miss the CRAP out of them. If someone reads this to them, sorry about saying 'crap' so much. I know how much Daddy cringes it when I blatantly throw around such Canadian sayings. I can't help it. Saying that is better 'than a kick in the arse with a frozen mukluk'

There is one leg of my mini-tour that is requiring me to have to rent a car and drive. A few problems already exist, besides the ones I have not yet worried about.
1) My Drivers licence expires the end of Feb, and I had to hand in my physical licence with my picture on it. In return, I was given a temporary one. A yellow piece of paper that SAYS I am allowed to drive. I also received cheerful optimism from the lovely ladies at DMV in Canada, that its a legal document and should provide NO problems with me getting a car rental...We will see!
2) They Drive on THE OTHER side of the road!!! On purpose! Really fast, all while drinking tea and generally being cheerful.
3) I have to rent a car, because the last three places I am playing at it appears you can't get there by bus. Or at least the times that I NEED to be at these places, are not times when a bus/coach or train are hanging around!
4) You can generally only rent manual cars...Standards.

How hard can it be? Right?
Love you all Love me back.
Camille Miller

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Morning Jeans

Putting on  your freshly washed and dried, favourite jeans from 2006 may be incredibly damaging to any Ego one might have on a typical Monday morning.

Also, trying this move to get into your jeans on an early Monday morning may cause you to get a back cramp and be found by your children, stuck, sweating and crying in your bedroom.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

House concerts

Have any of my lovely friends and family heard of this awesome site?
House Concerts...
Discuss among yourselves, any thoughts? Comments?

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Duncan Showroom

I had the chance to play a very special room here in Duncan BC, just before Christmas.
The Duncan Showroom...Such a grand venue, run by two fabulous bearded men...Longjevity John Falkner and on the soundboard Ted Cadillac...They also put on The 39Days of July festival in Duncan every year....An AMAZING festival...
I was joined by Rick Salt, who has worked with me to create music for about 20 years...A great guitarist and friend...Also was joined by an amazing and funky bass player named Kaylie Russell...Backing all of us up on the drums, Taylor Allum...

Love you all,
Love me back