Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Album- Song Order

It's finally off to be mastered, this little project that has taken almost 8months to get to this stage.
Thank you all for sticking by me through my Crowdfunding experience. I am thrilled to have made the goal, and at times have been mortified to keep asking people to contribute. On the GREAT side,we have raised a bit of monies for The Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Central Vancouver Island...So that leaves me feeling cozy.....

on a cute note, entirely unrelated to being a part time ROCK goddess, my daughter Hannah was sitting beside me yesterday, contemplating our existence on earth, as ALL 4 year olds do...And she said to me in Spanish, and very shyly... (I know it was Spanish, because I had no idea what she was saying for about 10 minutes) " Somos Iquales "... We are Equal! That is what she had learned yesterday at her pre kindergarden class....That also left me with such a cozy feeling....What a wonderful thing to learn at 4...awwwwww.

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